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At the end of February, Sozo Ministries in Uganda was privileged to welcome David Tee from the U.K. for a two-week visit to minister in our churches around the nation.

Our international overseer, Scott Ingram, met David last year on a mission to Brazil with Global Awakening. As God has been increasing the anointing on David’s life and ministry in major ways since that trip, we were excited to see what God would do with him in East Africa. We were not disappointed.

After ministering in 8 church services and a half-day leader’s summit, we counted at least 318 physical healings as well as 43 salvations and at least 8 deliverances. Here are just a couple of testimonies:


Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more healing testimonies from David's trip and more!

Thank you for your support of our church planting and leadership development in East Africa and beyond. We cannot do it without you! If you’d like to make a one-time or a recurring gift to Sozo Ministries, you can do so tax-free: