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Apostle Scott Ingram as been invited to join Kim and Greg Cleveland and the EquipNations team to equip and empower Kingdom Leaders in Cape Town, South Africa.

According to the mission brief:

"The purpose of this conference is to provide the church in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, with a foundational knowledge of their identity and purpose in the Body of Christ and to empower them to go out into their community and make disciples. Our focus will be on the body of Christ and each individual's function within the whole. Jesus has given his church an apostolic mandate to go make disciples and the instructions on how to accomplish the task. In this conference, the church in Khayelitsha will be empowered and activated to go and make disciples according to the mandate of Christ Jesus (Mt. 28:18-20 and Mk. 16:15-18)."

Please keep this ministry opportunity in your prayers.

This will be Ap. Scott's first time to minister in South Africa, and we are praying for God to move in the ministry time, for safe travels, health during the journey, and for the funding to achieve the mission goals.

If you would like to contribute to the cost of this trip, you can do so here: