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The 2024 Annual Senior Elders’ Conference for Sozo Ministries was a great time of fellowship and encounters with the Holy Spirit.

In addition to the usual sessions with Sozo leaders, such as Scott Ingram, John Mwangi, Liz Ingram and Sarah Miller, we were also honored to have a session with Robby Keen, the godfather of the missionary community in Mbale, Uganda and the co-founder of Jenga, a community development and discipleship ministry in the region.

The theme of the conference, as always, was the ministry’s theme for the year: “Grow Up” from Ephesians 4:15 — “…we are to grow up in every way into Him, into Christ, who is the head…” Scott opened the conference with a deep dive into the theme followed by communion. Apostle John shared on the leadership lessons which have helped him grow in integrity and in the ministry. Liz led a prophetic session, helping people hear what the Lord is speaking over them in love. Sarah called the leaders to abide in Christ in order to bear fruit. And Robby challenged all of us to live according to the call of Christ, rather than our culture.

In the mornings, several Sozo senior pastors undertook to share their heart on the ‘cultural values’ of Sozo Ministries. Pastor Ekapu from Abim, Uganda shared on “Bible-Loving.” Pastor Fede from Bukwo, Uganda shared on being “Intimacy-Led.” Pastor Isaiah Masika from Bahai, Kenya shared on being “Identity-Driven,” and Pastor Peter Namonyo from Bugema, Uganda shared on being “Revival-Longing.” Apostle John came back for the final value, “Empowerment-Focused,” before Scott closed out the conference with an impartation session.

This year, in addition to having all of our pastors from around Uganda and Kenya, we were honored to welcome Pastor Victor Samuel from Sozo Ministries in India. He shared the testimony of how the Lord moved on his father to start the church, and how God miraculously brought them into relationship with Sozo. We were also blessed to have our missionary intern, Abby, with us, who shared her testimony and how God has been leading her into ministry and leadership.

Every main session was recorded and available online, here.

The one missing person was Pastor Silva, from Kumi, Uganda. As some of you will remember, two and a half years ago, Silva was in a major motorcycle accident, and had to have surgical repairs done to his leg, including a metal rod and many pins. Unfortunately, the injuries have never healed, and Silva is living in constant pain. Recently he undertook another surgery to try and have some issues resolved, which have still failed, and he has been referred to a national hospital for a more extensive procedure. Unfortunately, Silva had borrowed money from an aggressive lender and is now in financial pain as well.

During the pastor’s conference we took up an offering for Pastor Silva and were able to raise about a fourth of his debt, which was sent immediately, and another person has given $100 toward the $600+ debt. Unfortunately the interest is continuing to accrue, and Pastor Silva is feeling very desperate and depressed. If you would like to contribute your own love offering to his medical costs, you can do so here.

After the conference ended, we have heard many encouraging reports of how pastors have been refreshed for this season of ministry, and some have seen increase in the anointing on their lives and ministries.

Thank you for you prayers and ongoing support of Sozo Ministries. We cannot do this work without you!