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As many of you know, Sozo Ministries is an official partner with Global Outreach, a missions-movement with a vision to carry the gospel up the Nile River and into the Middle East. In October, we were honored to join in one of GO’s premier events, the second annual Global Perspective conference in Kampala, Uganda. After receiving the gospel for over 180 years, we are so thankful to see that God is preparing this generation to make Uganda a sending nation!

The Global Perspective conference emphasizes that “all believers” are called to fulfill the Great Commission in some form. Attendees were blessed to hear from speakers from across Uganda and around the world. This year, we had guests from the U.S., India, Nigeria (via England), and South Sudan. Scott shared during two main sessions, and Liz was also invited to partake in a missions Q&A.

Please continue to pray that God will raise up missionaries among the Ugandan church and use them to spread the message of Christ in every corner of the world.


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